golf obby part 1

Hey guys today i am going to talk to you guys about golf obby. hugh looks like a good day for a golf game/obby lets go.

Tom talking in golf obby

What are you doing here??

Me talking

Who are you ???

Tom talking

You can call me tom.

Me talking

Well tom i so came here to play golf.

Tom talking

Well your not suposed to be here.

Me talking


Tom talking

The maneger has gone crazy and is turning every visitor into a ball.

Me talking

So guys the maneger has gone crazy. wow looks like we have to jump over the golf putters. But wait where is mine??? aww man i was sooo close. lets try again. yes i made it.

The maneger has made these golf balls evil. Dont touch them.

Me talking

Ok guys lets go and try not to touch them like tom said. aww i was getting close!. what? i did not touch it. yes i made it .checkpoint next part is we have to jump on the tirres to get to the other side. yes made it on my second try. ok hi tom whats next??

Tom talking

The golf carts are malfunctaning. try not to get ran over.

Me talking

Ok tom we can do this. noo i died on first try lets go again. yes i did it second try. ok tom what is …… hold on what is that

Tom talking

The manager has been making mutant golf balls he is using them to take over the world.

Me talking

What not on my watch.

Ok guys we have to jump on these lily pads. guys look at this cute frog. wait guys were do we go? oh here it is through this door. oh no now we have to doge these barrels. guys I found a way to sort of hack what you want to do is climb on the net and then go across. yes, I did the cannon balls first try. look so much cash. next we climb up the ladder made of ropes. oh no now we must jump on the tentacles with wood. bro I was so close to the end. yes, I did it on my 5th try though. ok now what tom??

Tom talking

FROM this point on you need to play golf to open and get into places. but before you do that go and get a ball from the ball dispenser.

Ok thanks oh wait we get to pick the color sweet obviously red lets go.

Tom talkin

Make sure to hit the ball in the green.

Me talking

Ok. bro this is hard!! yes, I did it. ok let’s go now.

Tom talking

Next you’re going to need to time your hit. if you see the alligators mouth open it’s your time to strike.

Me talking

yes, after a whole bunch of tries I finally did it yes! ok let’s see what’s next. ok this must be the hardest one. I have to hit the ball through the gates that go up and down. yes, I did it. now we go up the stairs and there are barrels. well, that was easy. yay now more golf. so now I need to shoot it into the hoop but that is for part 2 don’t leave now. Also make sure to check out my website at for more.

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