Pet Trading Card Simulator

Hello wlcome to another post today i am going to be telling you about a game on roblox called pet trading card simulator. pet trading card simulator is a game kind of like the pokemon tradeing card game but you get a starter and you have the option to see your pet or to not see them.

Stuff you can do in Pet Trading Card Simulator

Stuff you can do in it there are two packs you can open the first one is the coin pack were you can open little packs and get coins from it to move to other worlds and to buy packs. the second one is like i sead there packs were you can get sort of pokemon things but thry ae not pokemon they are like monster things but some of them look like pokemon .

Daily Stuff and More

You can do daily things like get 500 clicks and stuff and get like emereld’s. and for some place’s you need to use your emereld to get can trade your atifacts to get super good packs. To get artifacts you want to talk to the person in each world but you need to get diferent element’s for diferent peaple.

Boss Fight and More

You can also do boss fights but only when you reach the beach map.did you know that yu can sell your cards well now you do you just want to click inventory and then go into your pet cards and tap the card and then it will say three things equip, send to album, and delete you want to hit delete and you get money from it to.

Other things you probable dont know in Pet Trading Card Simulator

Do you want to fight bad monsters and get money and other things well you can you just need to get to spawn world number frost geacler and more. want to to know thecodes ok there are onlytwo codes in this game for now the first one is SHAREUS all caps the second one is yes16 the yes is all caps too hope you enjoy what you get. did you know that the more freinds you play with the more it bost the money you get.

I hope you enjoyed this article on Pet trading card simulator Go and check out some of my other content at vortex

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