Pokemon unite GRENINJA

hey guys welcom back to another post

Best items for Pokemon unite(GRENINJA)

today i am talking about greninja from pokemon unite so first up what i am going to be talking about is what items are good for greninja so first we have scope lends for a high critical hit and muscle band for a increase of damage and last but not least focus band for when greninjas health drops low it recovers a bit for 3 seconds.

Battaling with froake

greninjas basic atk is also very good becouse it reduses the cooldown of bubble, water shuriken or even surf and also becouse it deals increased damage. ok guys i jumped right itno a battle and i started out with bubble and toke top path now i am trying to level him up om guys i just leveled him up


and now we have frogoder along with doble team you can also get smoke screen that increases its next basic attack a boosted atack that is beter for ofense and defence like so that they can attack pokemon and you can use it for running

The boss greninja

away ok guys we just got greninja and water shuriken i like that move better becouse it hits more than ones ok racwazas here and i just got taken out but you can see well you cant see but greninja is a very good range attaker wighle a good normal attaker and defender and a bounus with the double team

The order for them all

defenetly one of the best thats what i think yup well apart from that how to use greninja well starting of i would pick bubble then subsitude and after evolving pick double team and then at level 7 water shuriken and your good yup

The end for Pokemon unite(GRENINJA)

well i hope you guys anjoyed todays post and play greninja like a pro and thats it for today good bye make sure to chexk out my website at vortex legend.com.

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