Super kirby clash

Hey guys today I will be talking about Super kirby clash. This is my first time playing so bare with me…

The Start

Ok, so we started out and we are looking at some text. I will tell you when something interesting comes up or when we are done. Ok, lets go team kirby, we are done and there is a monkey looking kirby in front of us. It is calling us pink stranger. Yes my name is kirby super kirby clash your welcome because what I did was save the dream kingdom? Ya, what are you talking about. So ,apparantly there is a guy called hornhead hehe and they don’t know what to do. They got us a little pink ball with a wooden sword and sheild to fight this monster.

Move Set

Ok, so tilt the left joycon up to check the quest board and I can set out my team there now. Time to go guys when I tilt the joycon down he switches him self down lol. Time for the story quest. It is called seaside lets go fight hornhead witch is a beatal ahh so scary i am level 1! I am so strong. Time to go. Ok we are doing good b i attack and super attack zl or l or r or zr is sheild. Ok we are done and we got a power tablet and we got it in the center and we won yay! I have silver rank now and 208 exp. I am level 2 now and I also got some rewords now I can get level 3 items.

Gem Apples/Store

To the village hi and your welcome. Ok there are more enimies and they rely on me ok. The gem apple tree is ready to be picked and i got 10 gem apples. the shop owner wants to see me lets see if we get anything yes i am kirby his name is agolor ok whats a shope well he sells weapons, armor and support items now to take a look ok lets look at weapons so we can get things like swords, hammers, staffs and flasks so thees boost your attack ext is armor and there alwas gettin new hats and helmets next is supporting items theese are things that can help us out next is stickers for when i play online last we have gem apples and thy are used for alot of stuff whether it is weapons, armor, support items or stickers


story time we got a new one called dunes we have to fight mr. frosty he is a wallrus in a dune how? i thought they lived somewhere cold, watever lets fight. so this new person is docter healmore and the other one is hammer lord time to go now we have 3 power tablets and i got a perfect I got 300 exp we are almost level 3 guys now i have party quest and i am playing with my sister now we won. and i am level 2 now ok so i just bout sword and we are doing it again and we won time to do it again on the first one but a monkey boss lets go ok guys i have been leveling up and am level 5 i did some things and fought some monsters

And i got legendery monster called ignite edge and it costs 1 apple i got it now to fight him and i also got some of the monsters in silver rank and i got more adventerers.

and new equipment time to go ok we got back to the story book and it says that this monster carrys a flaming sword and is name is ignite edge and i won and i am level 6 and now we have to go to the ruins hi im back thanks ok guys time for ruins it costs 10 apples so lets buy it and fight ok guys i won

The End

but i am goig to stop here but this is only epesode one of super kirby clash if you liked this then make sure to check out my website at sya next time.

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