Top 5 Beyblade Games

top 5 beyblade games thats what i am going to talk about today hope you enjoy.

Top 5 Beyblade Games – Beyblade Burst Universe

Number one we have Beyblade burst universe. Beyblade burst universe is a game where you can gain exp from doing battles against other players. You can also participate in the trial where you go up against the ai in battle. You can still earn money and exp from this. Witch is good because then you can go again. As you battle you gain exp and the more exp you get you can level up but that happens when you get the amount of exp required when you are in battle. Fun fact you can evolve valtreyek. Just go to the back of the houses and find the chip and then talk to valt and you have it. But if you switch Beyblade you have to do it again.

Top 5 Beyblade Games – Beyblade Physics

Number 2. Beyblade physics is a role-playing game where you can customize your Beyblade and choose the Beyblade you want to battle with. To find out how to get there what you want to do is look for the (my bey) icon and click it and it will show up layer, disc, and tip. and there you can do stuff like pick what Beyblade you want. Now this game does not have constant update but on one update there is like an ai thing, and you can battle it. You can also choose what Beyblade you want to battle but you have to like type it in to get it.

Top 5 Beyblade Games – Beybladefire

Number 3. Beybladefire is not a popular game, but I think it is good enough to be a top 5. First some things about this game. In this game you can be your favorite Beyblade, but this game does not have all Beyblades. maybe in the upcoming updates. you can get points by defeating Beyblades and then using the points you earn to upgrade you Beyblades. You can also buy pets, but they are free to but the other ones you need robux to buy them. If you don’t have your Beyblade, click the backpack icon and you will get them. if you have pets and want to equip them you click the dog paw, and it will pull all the ones you have up.

Top 5 Beyblade Games – Beyblade Burst Bu Project

Number 4. Beyblade burst bu project is a cool game. You get to pick a Beyblade you want to battle with against other bladers/players. There are two sets of Beyblades you can choose one. To find were you get the Beyblades are what you want to do is look for the DB customize, or DU customize icon. Click that and you should see them all and then select the Beyblade you want to use. If you like to have a sort of awakening, you can have that just click the awakening and you will get to choose what color you want it to be. One last thing about this game is that you can go to different places all I know is that you can go to the gym and spawn point there might be more in the future.

Top 5 Beyblade Games – B Reberth

number 5. I think B rebirth is Beyblade rebirth well this is the last one and it is a good Beyblade game. There are three places you can go the first one is adventure were most trainers go to do tasks level up and get stronger. The second one is city where you can go and do the battle tower and battle strong trainers to get stronger. And there are a lot of stadiums. The last one is colosseum were you once again go to battle strong trainers your level and get stronger. if you defeat rocks or trainers, you can get points to level up. To find that what you want to look for is the bar chart and click that and it should all pop up. the controls are launch is Q , special moves are R,T,Y and f and for the awakening that is Z.

I hope you enjoyed my articly on top 5 beyblade games make sure to check out my other content on Vortex Legend.

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